These links should help: step5/assets/3.jpg

A serene mountain view

Errors | Node.js v22.0.0 Documentation

Indicates that a provided argument is not an allowable type. For example, passing a function to a parameter which expects a string would be a TypeError .

A refreshing morning breeze

Configuring Jest

Configuring Jest. The Jest philosophy is to work great by default, but sometimes you just need more configuration power.

A delicious home-cooked meal

Node.js v22.0.0 Documentation

If the values do match, or if the string argument is of another type than string , an AssertionError is thrown with a message property set equal to the value of ...

A cozy fireplace

Changelog - Cypress Documentation

Fixed an issue where an unhandled promise rejection would display an incomplete error message in the command log. Fixes #24915. Fixed an issue where the ...

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